Drama by Dictionary


: a piece of writing that tells a story and is performed on a stage
: a play, movie, television show, or radio show that is about a serious subject and is not meant to make the audience laugh
: the art or activity of performing a role in a play, show, etc.
Full Definition of DRAMA
a :  a composition in verse or prose intended to portray life or character or to tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions through action and dialogue and typically designed for theatrical performance :  play — compare closet drama
b :  a movie or television production with characteristics (as conflict) of a serious play; broadly :  a play, movie, or television production with a serious tone or subject <a police drama>
:  dramatic art, literature, or affairs
a :  a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces
b :  dramatic state, effect, or quality <the drama of the courtroom proceedings>
Examples of DRAMA
  1. He is reading an ancient Greek drama.
  2. I prefer drama to comedy.
  3. His interest in drama began at a very young age.
  4. She studied drama in college.
  5. the dramas of teenage life
  6. She watched the drama unfold as they began screaming at each other.
  7. a competition full of drama
  8. the drama of the courtroom proceedings
Origin of DRAMA
Late Latin dramat-, drama, from Greek, deed, drama, from dran to do, act
First Known Use: 1515
Related to DRAMA
Other Performing Arts Terms



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